Dr. Domokos Gábor: Kavicsok morfológiája (highly supported)

Dr. Fehér Eszter: Mechanics of kirigami-inspired structures (highly supported)

Dr. Harmathy Norbert: Complex energy performance and environmental analysis of smart buildings (supported)

Dr. Hory Gergely: Interrelations of Human Acts and Spatiality in the Built Environment (supported)

Dr. Kádár Bálint: Data Driven urban Design (DDuD): Planning oriented Smart City models based on the space usage of locals and visitors (supported)

Dr. Kádár Bálint: Networked tourism development models in relation of identity questions in the urban context (supported if possible)

Dr. Károlyi György: Tranziens káosz disszipatív mechanikai rendszerekben (highly supported)

Dr. Károlyi György: Mechanics of random filamentary networks - Véletlen rúdhálózatok mechanikai viselkedése (highly supported)

Dr. Kissfazekas Kornélia: Urban morphology; connections of urban morphology and sustainability (supported)

Dr. Krähling János: Magyar újkori építészettörténeti kutatások (highly supported)

Dr. Marótzy Katalin: Közigazgatási épületek a dualizmus korában (highly supported)

Dr. Sajtos István: Falazott boltozatok, mint húzószilárdság nélküli héjszerkezetek, statikája (highly supported)

Dr. Sajtos István: Equivalent continuum model of the lattice structures (supported)

Dr. Sipos András: Fracture patterns of concrete structures - Vasbeton tartók repedésképei (highly supported)

Dr. Sipos András: Morphology of fracture via continuum mechanics - Repedés-morfológia a kontinuummechanika eszközeivel (highly supported)

Dr. Sipos András: Analytical investigation of Weingarten surfaces and their applications in morphology and structural mechanics (highly supported)

Dr. Ther Tamás: Load-bearing capacity of ribbed vaults (supported)

Dr. Várkonyi Péter: Structural behavior of interconnected high-rise buildings (highly supported)

Dr. Várkonyi Péter: Free-form funicular structures (highly supported)

Dr. Várkonyi Péter: Computational form finding of structures - Számítógépes szerkezeti formakeresés (supported)

Dr. Vidovszky István: System development of automated monitoring on built heritage sites (supported)